Svbony sv208 astronomical telescope finder telescope with illuminated 8x50 rectilinear correct image
Wide fov: 7.3 degrees
This finder scope has a 50mm aperture and thus delivers a particularly bright image.
The objects that you cannot see with naked eyes are displayed in the aperture.
The 7.3° fov, 21mm long eye relief eyepiece produces a bright 6.25mm exit pupil and allows you to find faint galaxies, comets and nebulae.
Image erected
The Finder pane produces images that are correct from right to top, left to right. In other words, things aren't upside down and backwards like most viewfinders.
Focal length: 185mm
The 185mm focal length finder is designed for use with astronomy telescopes up to a focal length of 2000mm. Fit perfectly with Dobsonian telescopes and Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes. Also fit perfectly with our svbonyt sv503 telescope.
Fully multi-coated optics
Fully multi-coated glass means that all lens surfaces and all air-glass surfaces have multiple layers of anti-reflective coating. The 50mm FMC lens increases light transmission and benefits for finding targets in the night sky.
Adjustable brightness led crosshair
The straight-through finder has a precise, glass-etched, illuminated reticle with reticle to mark the field boundaries and an open circle in the center so that stars can be perfectly centered without being obscured.
Adjust the crosshair angle separately
The angle of the crosshair is available to be adjusted separately. After aligning the finder scope, if you notice that the reticle is at the wrong angle, then loosen the knob and rotate the front part of the scope to correct the reticle instead of adjusting the entire finder scope.
Center the target
The finder comes with a finder holder, which is equipped with 6 large adjustment screws and knurled head, easy to grip and has plastic adjustment and clamping screws.